Niagara Hydro Power As Part Of Clean Energy Future


Mining on the Niagara Tunnel Project is nearing completion. Upon project completion, the tunnel will provide Ontario with enough clean, renewable hydro power for 160,000 homes annually for the next 100 years.

The massive 4,000-tonne boring machine, nicknamed “Big Becky”, is currently tunneling under the City of Niagara Falls. Approximately 90 per cent of the machine’s 10.2-kilometre journey has been completed. When the project is finished, the Sir Adam Beck Generating Station will increase its generating capacity by the equivalent of 200 MW. The project has employed over 230 full-time construction workers and brought approximately $1 billion in related investment into the region.

Ontario’s Energy Plan: Building Our Clean Energy Future is investing in clean, renewable power sources such as hydro, solar, and wind. Niagara Falls has been a key supplier of electricity to Ontario for most of the last century – and with this project, it will continue to do so well into this century.
Ontario is planning for 9000 MW of hydro power by 2018. That’s why bringing on new sources of clean energy like hydro electric power is part of the province’s Open Ontario Plan to create jobs and strengthen our economy. Sharing is sexy

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