Silk Road, The Ancient China

The Silk Road was not in point of fact a road. It was not smooth. It was not even a single route. The Silk Road was not in point of fact a road. It was not smooth. It was not even a single route. The Silk Road was a name given to any route that led across China to Rome. It was a 4000-mile trip. At one end was China. At the other end was Rome.

Each had something the other wanted. Rome had gold and silver and precious gems. Porcelain had silk and spices and ivory. Ideas besides traveled along the Silk Road, ideas with the aim of affected everybody.

The Romans were not surprised to hear of an extra lofty civilization hidden on the mountains. They had been looking in place of “the Silk People” in place of a long schedule.

It was incredibly precarious to travel along the Silk Road. You faced desolate white-hot sand dunes in the desert, forbidding mountains, brutal winds, and wicked snakes. There was single fussy section, called the Gansu Corridor, a relatively fertile strip with the aim of ran along the center of single of the mountains. To extent this strip, you had to annoy the desert or the mountains. And of classes, near were every time bandits and pirates.

The Silk Road took caravans to the furthest away area of the Han Empire. Sections of the Great wall up were built along the northern piece of the Gansu Corridor to try and prevent bandits from the north from harming the trade.

Over the centuries, the Silk Road residential a civilization of its own. Where promising, the Silk Road became lined with colossal temples and active cities. It became far easier to travel the road. But it was in no way stress-free. There were still vast stretches of deserts and mountains to annoy, with rebuff city or stream in sight. Sharing is sexy

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